Get a Consulation: 716-934-8835

Couples Therapy

Invest in your ability to relate with great love.

For the first few sessions I guide couples through an intake. This means that we talk about the past, present and future – what brought you together, the nature of your relationship and how you optimally visualize it. The intake allows you to articulate your feelings and hopes, and for me to assess your strengths and challenges as a couple. We gain an understanding of what will enable your relationship to thrive.

In the sessions that follow, we address these challenges in different ways. Communication might be through verbal or non-verbal expression, such as movement, art, mindfulness, imagination. My primary goal is to guide you into a secure, functioning relationship, in which you can problem solve, communicate and connect from a collaborative approach.

Don’t wait for a major conflict. Avoid unnecessary worry, conflict, and heartache. Start as soon as you sense a desire for growth.

To get started, I offer a free, 20-minute phone consultation, to check our fit working together.



 Individual Therapy

Address emerging challenges.

Couples Therapy

Weave a tighter-knit love.


Stress & Anxiety

Avoid spinning out.


Start the process.


Take the first step.

Get in touch now!


Maya Golan, MA, LPC
Phone Number: 716-934-8835

Office Location:

3005 47th St, Suite F4,
Boulder, CO 80301
